Thursday, November 23, 2006

Canon in D (Rock Version)

I've always loves this song as it gives me kinda inspiring feels. The song title is "Canon in D" by the famous Johann Pachelbel. It's full title would be (Kanon und Gigue in D-Dur für drei Violinen und Basso Continuo or Canon and Gigue in D major for three Violins with Bass Accompaniment) if you wanna know. It was written in 1680 but still a popular song now.

That's some history about the song. I've done some search on this song and to my suprise i've found some interesting variation of this fantastic song, Canon in D Rock! This special arrangment is done by a guy called JerryC from Taiwan. Here's the video links let me know if you too find it nice.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Growing Grass in Your Office

We all know plants are pleasant to eyes and gives you some relaxing feels when they're somewhere around or within your visual sights. But how often do have the chance to growing or planting one? Obviously not with our usual hectic schedules and we can't just plant something without any knowledge about planting.

Well, if you like some living greenery beside you (you can grew it in your office), there's a way for you to easily achieves it. There's some prepacked grass beans in some medium sold out there. I got mine from my Cameron's Highland trips at RM10 for 5 units. They're made in all sort of shapes and sizes. It's very easy to grow it. Just put some water at the bottom of this thing and just leave it anywhere that there's lights. The grass will start growing after approximately 1 week after you consistently supply water to it.

Here's the progress snapshots.

Initial Stage.

After 1 week.

After 3 weeks.

Doesn't it looked cute? You'll feel the statisfaction of growing something yourself (especially for those who never planted anything before in his/her life). It's quite pleasant to have some nature stuff sitting nearby you while you're surrounded by all sorts of electronic machines and gadgets.

So, if you think you might wanna grew something like this, maybe this would be a good startup. Have fun!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Baskin-Robbins Mid Valley Little Pets

It was this day on 31 October where i drove all the way from Sri Petaling to Mid Valley to get some yummie Baskin-Robbins ice creams because they have 31% discount on 31st of any month which has 31 day. This was my second time buying on this promotions day from this particular outlet. Well, it's quite a deal because you're getting something on a lower price. So, i happily parked my car and headed straight to the outlet. It was packed with people waiting for their turn to order, so i silently took a number and waited patiently for my turn.

tick tok tick toc .... finally it's my turn (after approximately 30 minutes) yay!...

So.... i put down my order of ice cream, paid the cashier and wait happily for the staff to pack them. Suddently i saw some "Baskin-Robbins Pets"! How cute they're! My god! I quickly snap it with my phone camera.

It's a crockroach (siu keong)!

Zoomed in of the above photo.

Dammit! This outlet is not clean and they're not doing enough cleaning and prevention! I've just paid for my ice cream and after all this long queue and all i get is this shits??

On another thought, maybe it just crawled in from outside and furthermore it's on the other side of where they stored their ice cream, big chance the stocks are not affected by it. So i took my orders anyway and i'll never ever coming back to this outlet again. So any Baskin-Robbins fans out there please be careful, but.... they're still a nice ice creams.