Friday, February 02, 2007

Public Mindset

Here i am, sitting in front of my big bulky crt monitor practically doing nothing on a Friday night. A lots of people said that we should go out get some life or at least do something rather than staying at home.

Well... a lots of people tends to think that we should follow the norms so that we won't looked weird or be more acceptable to the mass peoples. True, to some extends such as you can't dig your nose in the public or do something illegal. Got what i mean? But sometimes peoples asked why do you
eats all you vegetable and then the meat, those kind of things. This is really over the board as WHY should one person MUST follows a specific flows or ways? Maybe it's our Malaysian education system that implants this mindset to our brains. I do not mean that other countries do not have this issues, but not until these level i guess. We start follows the "obeying instructions" thing from day one since we started our primary till the end of our secondary/form 6. We're not brought up in a environment whereby we need to think then act, but do what have been told. Over times, these is how we're being shaped into. And these is why we're lacking compare to other developed countries. What amazed me so much is that WHY our government failed to notice this critical point and do nothing to at least improves a little to our education system from time to time? *shaking head in disbelief*.

Introducing English as the medium to be used for science and maths do count as some improvements made by our education minister, but that does not improve on the critical aspects which is the ways people do things and think. It's true that mastering English would helps, but you still can't think creatively or have people to think that they need to provide solution rather than wait for instructions. Often we see that those who scores high marks does not necessary successful after they're graduated. And this shows that the education system does not reflects true potential of a students and this is wrong.

All these will directly affect us all and affect the country as well. Even the smallest things. Peoples in this country have been suppress and unable to perform to their maximum potentials. Sad thing eh...? but we're not in position to do anything but can only write it out here :)

Read a lots and question on everything, and we might stands a chance to makes things right again.

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